Foundational Beliefs

The International Housing Partnership recognises that there is a global shift in the world economic climate, which requires new solutions for the funding and long-term sustainable operation of social housing. Its member organisations must therefore adopt and transform their business structures, policies, and practices to be able to develop and adapt their organisational capacities and be successful.

IHP and its member organisations believe that:

  • Good quality, affordable housing in a pleasant and sustainable neighbourhood should be considered a right for all citizens.
  • Provision of adequate supplies of such housing and environment is essential for the social and economic well-being and viability of society.
  • Communities must be enabled to grow and thrive organically through the participation and contribution of all citizens, enterprises, and agencies.
  • Changing demographics arising from an aging population requires a positive effort to satisfy changing housing needs and to stimulate the supply of care services.
  • Climate change must be considered a driver for the adoption of sustainable techniques of building and technologies which reduce the demand for fossil fueled energy, increase the use of renewable energy, and reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Organisational strength is essential for the development of members and their capacity to achieve their goals.